A Chinese express mail service, KS Express, has moved into 2212 Murray Ave (map). It's the second such business to open on the Squirrel Hill street, after the Shanghai-based shipping and logistics chain STO Express (申通快) opened in January.
Lawrenceville's Row House Cinema recently announced a Hayao Miyazaki film series to run from December 9 through 16. The four movies---Ponyo (崖の上のポニョ), Kiki's Delivery Service (魔女の宅急便), Howl's Moving Castle (ハウルの動く城), and Castle in the Sky (天空の城ラピュタ)---haven't played in Pittsburgh theaters since their original releases. Row House ran a MIyazaki series last December with four different movies.
Advance notice for a talk at the University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center on November 28, "Japan, Ink: Global Flows of 'Deviant' Body Modification", by John Skutlin, a PhD candidate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will host Dr. John Yasuda of Indiana University and his talk "On Feeding the Masses: The Politics of Regulatory Failure in China" on November 7 as part of the center's Talking About Asia series.