
Sunday, June 2, 2013

CMU's Matsuri raises $3027 for middle school damaged by 3/11 tsunami.

The Japanese Student Association at Carnegie Mellon University raised $3027.19 in its March 29, 2013 Matsuri for Ishinomaki city's Mintao Junior High School (石巻市立湊中学校), and last month some of its members met with the principal to deliver the check. All of the profits from the 2013 festival went to the school. Their website on the festival's fundraising, updated last year on its aims and 2012's contributions, reads in part:
Minato Middle school used to be located on the coast, one of the most vulnerable places for Earthquakes. It is currently using make-shift shelters on the playground of a near by elementary school. While a lot of recovery has already been in place and the school receives aid from the government, it is no where near the state where it was before the earthquake.

Last year we were able to help students get equipment for sports and also support their music classes through the profits made at Matsuri.