
Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Mandarin Chat Time: What's Your Name" at Carnegie Library West End branch, September 22.

The West End branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will hold three "Mandarin Chat Time" Chinese language and culture lessons on three consecutive Fridays starting September 22. The first lesson is "What's Your Name":
We hope you can join us for the first of three Chinese cultural programs at CLP-West End! Our first event will introduce patrons to basic, everyday Chinese greetings and we will learn the meanings of people’s Chinese names. Each attendee will learn what their name is in Chinese based, of course, on their original name.

The second, on September 29, is "What Year Were You Born?":
During this session, participants will be introduced to the Chinese Zodiac and we will figure our birth year in regards to the Chinese calendar. How will it benefit your social life, if you have some knowledge of Chinese Zodiac? Visit us to find out!
And the last, on October 6, is "Fun With Chinese Symbols":
During this third and final Chinese cultural program at CLP-West End, we will explore Chinese symbols and the images behind them. Our teacher will guide us in our abilities to competently produce a few easy, but cool, Chinese symbols.

In case you need even more incentive to attend these special events, the attendee who has 100% attendance for three classes will get a Paper Cutting Chinese Zodiac handmade by teacher!
We hope you can make it!
The events are held at 1:00 pm and are free and open to the public. The West End branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is located at 47 Wabash Street (map).