During the silent film era in Korea, movie screenings were accompanied by live music and narrators call Byeonsa. This special screening of Crossroads of Youth invites you to encounter the film just as Korean audiences did in 1934. The Korean Film Archive and director Tae-young Kim have reimagined the traditional Byeonsa theatrical event, bringing together the film, live musicians, actors, and narration for a dynamic multimedia experience.The screening will be held on the 7th floor of Alumni Hall (map). Tickets are free, though registration is required.
Friday, October 28, 2022
1934 Korean silent film Crossroads of Youth (청춘의 십자로) with live music and narration, November 5 at Pitt.
The University of Pittsburgh's Asian Studies Center will present the 1934 Korean silent film Crossroads of Youth (청춘의 십자로), accompanied by live music and byeonsa narration, on November 5.
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