The University of Pittsburgh's Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures will present the 2017 film 1987: When the Day Comes on March 22 as part of its annual Korean Film Festival. The distributor summarizes 1987:
In 1987 Korea, under an oppressive military regime, a college student gets killed during a police interrogation involving torture. Government of officials are quick to cover up the death and order the body to be cremated. A prosecutor who is supposed to sign the cremation release, raises questions about a 21-year-old kid dying of a heart attack, and he begins looking into the case for truth. Despite a systematic attempt to silence everyone involved in the case, the truth gets out, causing an eruption of public outrage.The film will be shown in 332 Cathedral of Learning from 6:00 to 9:00 pm and is free and open to the public. Next Friday the department will present Burning (버닝) as the second installment of the series,